Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Itching to Tell A Story

I had a wee brainwave over the weekend in the place I get most of my brainwaves - the shower!  Let's actually take this itch we have begun to create with Scratch as our tool and demonstrate how well they can use technology to demonstrate their learning in literacy.  Let's retell a story - any story that is not an original.

Some students have chosen nursery rhymes, others Māori legends and still others fairy tales.  Their parameters also include the use of original sprites, backgrounds and, if required, voice overs.

The original sprites have prompted students into using Google Drawings with some students using this tool for the first time.  We have also begun to explore an online drawing tool called DrawIsland which works with greater functionality on the laptops than the iPads. I have yet to have a whirl at it on the Chromebooks.

Students are experimenting with the ability in Scratch Jr to create your own sprites with some very unique results.  Most are complaining loudly about their lack of skill with tablet art - another area for further exploration, along with music creation, in the future.

A question I was asked by some students as they selected stories has raised another possibility for a passion-based project - using Scratch to create an autobiography.  Yes, they wanted to tell their life story.

There are still questions flying around the room and answers coming from all quarters as varying students acquire, use and dispense knowledge.  I am now looking forward to seeing the final products of their endeavours.  Pictures to come....

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